Cari Docktor

Cari Docktor

Gambaran Keseluruhan

  • Antenatal Care
    • Antenatal care is recommended as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed to ensure you and your little one is sound. Our dedicated O&G Specialists and Nurses will help you with the questions you encountered throughout your pregnancy journey.
  • One-stop Birthing Suite
    • We provide worry-free and seamless childbirth experience where the mummies can deliver, nurse and accompany their newborn in our one-stop birthing suite.
  • Post Delivery Care
    • Your newborn might be your priority but post-natal care counts. Eating nutritious meal, having enough rest, having the support from your loved ones, drinking lots of fluids can help your body to heal.
  • Untuk temu janji atau sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di

    No Tel
    +603-2037 2330
    Nombor Klinik
    Tingkat 3A, Unit Bersalin, Bangunan Perubatan, Hospital Tung Shin
    Waktu Beroperasi
    • Waktu
    • 24 Jam

Pakej & Promosi

Glow Up Your Skin with JomPAY Cashback!

Ujian Alahan

Hepatitis B Vaccination Package

Pakar Obstetrik & Gynaekologi Kami

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